Meet the Characters of Ndbag The Boogeyman
Mylene Ndbag The Boogeyman

Have you ever wondered why there are some people of whom there are no photos?
Perhaps they are the ones taking all of the photos, or maybe they have a knack for staying out of the picture. In some ways Mylene is a bit like that. Somehow there are no good pictures of her.

However, this does not mean that she is not an important person in Ndbag’s world. In fact, quite the contrary is true. She is Ndbag’s best friend and spends a lot of time getting in and out of trouble with the little boogeyman. Between socks, pandas, lint and buried treasure there is never a dull moment.

Mylene attends primary school, likes playing video games on her little handheld console and is partial to mango-flavoured ice cream. Having a boogeyman for a friend has broadened her horizons quite a bit and she takes life’s daily little challenges in stride.

Likes: Pandas, boogeymen, cute things, panda cereal, playing tea party
Dislikes: Homework, certain classmates, closet rats
Age: Unknown (although primary school narrows it down somewhat)
Random fact: She likes to puzzle out the sources of creaks and sounds of the old house she lives in while trying to fall asleep.

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Mylene Character of Ndbag The Boogeyman